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JVIZ Dot Matrix Documentation

Visual Layout

JVIZ Dot Matrix has three sections: Legend Area, Plot & Dot Area, and Plot Info Area.

Visual Fields

JVIZ Dot Matrix has two required fields: Category and Measure.


Maps to a text field to group a series of dots on the chart into categories.


Maps to a numerical data field to aggregate a series of dots on the chart.

Visual Formatting

Customize the layout of the plot area.


Adjust how dots are displayed on the chart.

Dot Weight

How much one dot represents. This setting only applies to Weighted distribution. Dot weight cannot be adjusted for Proportional distribution. Dot weight in Proportional distribution is always set to 1 or 1% of the population. For Weighted distribution, a user can define a dot weight. However, dot weight will be auto calculated if the maximum dots that can be displayed on the plot (10,000) are not enough dots to support the user-defined dot weight. In this scenario, dot weight will be automatically set to the total population value / 10,000.


Number of columns the dot chart should display.

Default is 1, minimum is 1, maximum is 100.

Plot Direction

Determines in what direction are dots plotted on the chart, there are 4 possible plot directions:

Alternate Plot Direction

Allows you to toggle on the option to alternate or reverse the dot direction when dots get to the end of a row. This allows dot colors to stay connected in block format.

Controls the styling of dots.

Dot Size

Adjust the size of the dot.

Default is 10, minimum is 5, maximum is 100.

Dot Spacing

Adjust the spacing between dots.

Default is 5, minimum is 2, maximum is 20.

Dot Color

Changes the color for all dots.

Dot Roundness

Determines how round the dot shape is100 is a complete rounded shape whereas 0 is a sharp edge resulting in a square shape. 

Default is 100, minimum is 0, maximum is 100.

Show All Colors

Can be toggled on or off. When toggled off, all dots are the same color as the Dots > Dot Color property. When toggled on, users can select an individual color for each dot using the color picker.

Customize the plot information. 

Show Dot Cap

Toggle the display of the dot cap informational text on the chart.

Dot Cap Alignment

Adjust where to align the dot cap information text (either left, right or center of the chart).

Dot Cap Text Formatting

Configure the text color, font family, size, and decoration (bold, italics, underline) for the dot cap text.

Default text size is 13x, minimum is 8px, maximum is 30px.

Show Conversion

Toggle the display of the dot conversion informational text on the chart.

Conversion Alignment

Adjust where to align the dot conversion information text (either left, right or center of the chart).

Conversion Text Formatting

Configure the text color, font family, size, and decoration (bold, italics, underline) for the dot cap text.

Default text size is 13x, minimum is 8px, maximum is 30px.

Conversion Dot Color

Change the color of the dot icon used in the conversion text.

Conversion Text

Customize the conversion text to indicate what each dot represents.

Customize the legend area. Can be toggled on or off.


Adjust where the legend is positioned on the chart. Either top or bottom of the chart.

Text Formatting

Configure the legend text color, font family, size, and decoration (bold, italics, underline).

Default text size is 13px, minimum is 8px, maximum is 30px.

Show Title

Toggle option to show legend title.

Title Text

Customize the legend title text.