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JVIZ Tag List

Visualize key words across your data story with tags.

Visual key features

JVIZ Tag List is a lightweight Power BI visual that will complement existing dashboard filters, slicers and provides viewers a familiar word tag selection experience.

Data Column

Create tags from words in a table column.

Tag Shape

Adjust tag shape and edge roundness.

Tag Color

Use color picker to change tag colors.

Custom Text

Customize text style and font decoration.

Stylized Borders

Add stylized borders around tag pills.

Responsive Layout

Display tags in narrow or wide layouts.

Watch a demo

See JVIZ in action by watching a quick the demo of key features and capabilities. Create tags that are pill-shape, square or in-between. Adjust color of tags for all words or individual words by mapping a tag to a color. Stylize the tag boarder and use tags as an enhanced slicer experience for users.