JVIZ Gantt Chart Documentation

Visual Layout

JVIZ Gantt Chart has three sections: Timeline Area, Bar Area and Project Area.

Visual Fields

The visual has three required fields (Task Hierarchy, Start Date, and End Date) and three optional fields (Percent Complete, Status, and Bar Color).

Task Hierarchy

Maps to your project and task name. Stack values to enable a hierarchy.

Percent Complete

A decimal value that represents percent of work completed.

Start Date

Maps to your project start date.

Bar Color

Maps to a hex color field to color individual bars on the roadmap.

End Date

Maps to your project end date. Should be set to the latest end date.


Maps to the project or task status.

Visual Formatting

Customize how to view year, quarter, and month on the timeline.

Display View

Adjust how the timeline displays year, quarter and month based on the earliest start date and today’s dates.

Fiscal Start Month

By default, the timeline begins on January. You can select a fiscal start month to have the timeline’s starting month begin on different month.

Maximum Visible Years

When the timeline spans multiple years, this setting allows you to select how many years should be present on the chart before the horizontal scrollbar is activated. Default is to show a maximum of 3 years before the horizontal scroll bar is activated.

Make Sticky

Can be toggled on or off. Makes the timeline header area stick to the top of the visual when scrolling up and down.

Controls the styling of the year, quarter, and month timeline rows independently. Can be toggled on or off.

Row Height

Adjust the height of the year, quarter, or month row in the timeline.

Default is 30px, minimum is 25px, maximum is 40px. 

Curved Edges

Allows you to toggle on or off the border radius around the year, quarter or month row.

Background Color

Select a background color for the year, quarter, or month row in the timeline.

Text Formatting

Configure the text color, font family, size, and decoration (bold, italics, underline).

Default text size is 12px, minimum is 8px, maximum is 25px.

Month Grid

Displays vertical bar separators between the months. Can be toggled on or off.

Month Grid Color

Select a color for the month grid lines.

Month Grid Opacity

Sets the opacity for the month grid lines.

Default is 30%, minimum is 10%, maximum is 100%.

Month Grid Width

Adjust the width of the month grid lines.

Default is 2px, minimum is 1px, maximum is 5px.

Format the left project row header style.

Background Width

Adjust the project area row header width.

Default is 150px, minimum is 50px, maximum is 300px.

Background Color

Use the color picker to set the background color of the project area row header.

Text Formatting

Configure the text color, font family, size, and decoration (bold, italics, underline).

Default text size is 16px, minimum is 8px, maximum is 25px.

Make Sticky

Can be toggled on or off. Makes the project area row header stick to the left of the visual when scrolling left to right.

Format the grid lines between projects in the Bar Area.

Line Color

Change the color of the chart grid lines.

Line Style

The line stroke can be set to either: Dashed, Solid, or Dotted.

Line Cap

The ends of the line stroke can be set to either: Butt, Round, or Square. Butt ends the stroke with a sharp 90-degree angle. Round adds a radius to smooth the edge of the stroke. Square is similar to butt, except that it extends the stroke beyond the length of the path.

Line Size

Adjust the thickness of the chart grid line. 

Default is 3px, minimum is 1px, maximum is 5px.

Line Opacity

Set the opacity of the chart grid lines. 

Default is 100%, minimum is 0%, maximum is 100%.

Customize the bar area styling.

Bar Height

Adjust the height of the task bar.

Default is 30px, minimum is 20px, maximum is 40px.

Text Formatting

Configure the text color, font family, size, and decoration (bold, italics, underline).

Default text size is 14px, minimum is 8px, maximum is 25px.

Settings for the today line vertical bar. Can be toggled on or off.

Line Color

Change the color of the Today Line.

Line Style

The line stroke can be set to either: Dashed, Solid, or Dotted.

Line Cap

The ends of the line stroke can be set to either: Butt, Round, or Square. Butt ends the stroke with a sharp 90-degree angle. Round adds a radius to smooth the edge of the stroke. Square is similar to butt, except that it extends the stroke beyond the length of the path.

Line Size

Adjust the thickness of the Today Line. 

Default is 3px, minimum is 1px, maximum is 5px.

Line Opacity

Set the opacity of the Today Line. 

Default is 60%, minimum is 10%, maximum is 100%.

Changes the sort order for the bars within a swimlane.

Sort bars by